Marco Rubio — Recognize the Demise of the GOP is Self-Owned.

Kerry Bogdanovic
10 min readJan 16, 2021

Five years ago, when the Republicans were running for the Presidential nomination, Senators Marco Rubio & Ted Cruz were running against our current President. During this time, every single one of them in the race were calling out who he was and the danger he presented to this country. He demeaned them, made false accusations and by the end of the Presidential race you both were collecting donations on behalf of his election.

Since he won the Presidency, the last four years has been an onslaught of propaganda, ridiculous rhetoric and baseless claims from this President. And what did you and your fellow GOP do about it Senator Rubio? You all either fed the narrative or you avoided any comments and stayed silent. All of you completely abandoned any principals you once had (if ever) and let him continue his bravado. His criminal acts have gone without any consequence because you refused to acknowledge reality.

Then, the President was on trial for impeachment for “The Perfect Phone Call” that was clearly a quid pro quo. And what did you and your fellow Republicans do? You refused to actually hold truth to power, denied to hear any testimonies and voted to keep him in the Oval Office. This gave only false signals to his base. And all that did was embolden him.

You have all left your conscience at the door and let him say and do whatever he wanted. One baseless claim after another you have buried your head in the sand or reiterated his lies. He has blatantly and brazenly done whatever he wanted and lied incessantly about it all. All I heard from the GOP were crickets, because you refused to upset him and your status quo.

Then, in January our country was confronted with a pandemic. You all were well informed of it being of grave concern to our country…yet you all meekly stood by and did not rebuke any of the misinformation, rhetoric and baseless claims the President continued to spew. To this day you still haven’t been truthful to our country of the severity of the situation. And to date Marco Rubio, we have lost over 393,000 Americans, with no end in the near future. Over 23,000 deaths are from Florida alone. And still you have not said anything and not stood up for your country. It’s unacceptable.

For months prior to the election he had no restraint from your party to put mistrust in the election. Not once did I see or hear any of you refute this narrative. So, non-stop, like a broken record his lies flooded the airwaves. These lies fueled the flames.

Now, we are 4 days from inaugurating President Elect Biden who won an honest and fair election. Mind you, if the President or any of you sycophants would have been honest, just once, with your constituents, the possibility of January 6th, 2021 might have not come to be.

Honestly, if he would have put half the effort to stop the pandemic in its tracks as his fraudulent claims about how he won the election, I might have had some respect for him. It is not like he and the GOP didn’t have any chance or ability to do so. Hell, I even gave you all the window starting in late January, February, March or at anytime after. Everyday I would wake, I hoped that you all would get things going in the right direction. That he’d take real actions and lead by example, wear a mask and unite us all to overcome Covid-19. Get the economy going again and end the raising tensions that were continually stirred. He did not, nor did any of you. There are those in the Republican party that if they wear a mask, it is half ass. This was his and your party’s biggest failure in modern times.

The truth of the matter is, if he would have actually cared about the country he would have won the election. Covid-19 would be behind us and our economy would have bounced back. If he would have actually been a Leader, rather than claim to be our “cheer leader”, he would have another four years now. Instead, he hugged a flag. That is a hard cold fact. Let me add that I have never been a supporter of his, but this was his demise. Facts Matter… Truth Matters.

He knew he was most likely going to lose…you all did. And then he lost the election. He failed to win that election because he failed to be honest with us. He refused to accept responsibility of his in-actions and correct his missteps. None of you stopped him from causing harm to us or our country. Nor did any of you correct him. Not a peep when he suggested to inject disinfectants and bleach.

Instead, once again, all of you were silent and complacent. You did not step up and do what is best for the betterment of your country or even your party. And the lies and conspiracy theories ran amok across our country. And your in-actions, your silence perpetuated to cultivate a storm that had been building more momentum over more than 4 years. How’s that you ask?!

The Republican Party refused to counter any of his false claims about the election. Although, you all said that he had a right to contest this free and fair election, that Biden won. You all know he lost. It was obvious that he was flailing and he had no platform to run on. This alone made it clear that he was his own demise. Yet, you let the lies continue. You refused to counter his claims. Yet, all along you all knew the that the 60 plus lawsuits filed to contest the election had no substance and only allowed his lies to perpetuate a false narrative.

Meanwhile, during the court cases, on one side, he and his lawyers publicly were being outraged that counts were fraudulent. But yet, inside the courts even Giuliani denied to the judge that the case was not claiming or contesting that any votes were actually fraudulent. This is because they never had proof, and could cost them their license, due to it being unlawful to make such a claim without evidence in a court of law. That is why all but one case were dismissed or thrown out of court. Ironically, that one case won did not effect any of the votes that were already counted. That’s because there were voter’s that failed to provide sufficient proof prior to the cut off date the judge had ruled on to change. So consequently, it did not add or diminish votes for either the President or President Elect Biden. That was time and money wasted, but yet his lies continued.

His supporters believe every word that comes out of his mouth. That falls on all of you because the Republican Party has been spineless and not been truthful. In addition, the false narratives are backed up by right wing media and his supporters consider everything else fake news.

Since the day he started running for the GOP ticket in 2016 he labeled mainstream media “Fake News”, and you went along for the ride on the Trump Train. Some of your colleagues even fueled and stoked the never-ending lies he has fed to his loyal supporters. A recent example, is Ted Cruz on January 4th at a rally.

Then on January 6th, I watched in horror with tear filled eyes an insurrection on Capitol Hill. Fearful for all of Congress and staff members safety. Because the Hill was overrun by people in this country that have been fed nothing but lies. They feel betrayed by everyone and have been led to believe that they could make a difference. That they could change the outcome and keep him in power. They erected gallows to hang Vice President Mike Pence, because they still believe he had the power to deny Biden’s election win.

One might think that maybe all you sycophants would have some clarity after such an experience. Perhaps reflect on how he did not do this alone…you went along with it and with him. You did not stand up for your country, your party or your own dignity and speak the truth.

And so here we are. Our democracy still stands, but is in a deep crisis. Every American is trying to come to grips with what we’ve witnessed, and is reeling with the fear of what might come next. Last Wednesday cost 5 lives at the Capitol Senator Rubio. You were there. You and everyone in that chamber were face to face with tyranny. Yet to this day you recklessly and idly stand aside and let this continue?! What is wrong with this picture?

Only 10 Republicans in the House stood up and voted to impeach him Wednesday. Only 10?

Why is that? Why were you all so feckless with the truth about anything he lied about for the last four years? And why are you still? Did you really think it would not bite you in the ass?

Have you and your colleagues actually acknowledged the truth to yourselves? Or do you not let yourselves go there, because you’d rather stay in your bubble? Let me pop your bubble and be brutally honest with all of you. Because the truth shall set you free.

It does not matter one iota why you still continue to be loyal to him. Whether it is out of fear, coming to believe the lie, or political ambition…your loyalty only goes one way. His whole life he has betrayed those that vowed their loyalty to him. It is never actually given back in return. You are all just pawns to him.

And the reality of it Senator, is you are all very lucky. Every single one of you are lucky you were not a casualty of his supporters. Don’t believe me? Then, maybe you should watch what we are all seeing as more footage gets released. His supporters are only his. Their loyalty is solely to him. One of them said before they entered that “death is the only remedy”, pointing at the Capitol. If any of you thought that you’d be spared, I’d maybe rethink that.

Another reality tidbit…he did not answer or respond to any phone calls. Why? Because he was enjoying what he was seeing, bathing in their love for him. Your lives were not a conscious thought or concern. As he reveled in the fear that I cannot even imagine you must have felt, he did not give the authorization to the National Guard to save every one. Vice President Mike Pence did.

Truth hurts, but lies can kill.

Just that thought alone brings tears to my eyes. And I only watched it unfold.

But what happened when you all went back in the chamber? While I was impressed that you all went back to finish the count, there were still objections. Mitt Romney made it very clear what you all needed to do…Speak the Truth! There were a few. But not enough. Is it some ridiculous need to counter the Democrats at all costs? What purpose does that serve? Why can you not see we are all Americans first? What side of the aisle you are on does not make you better. It is petty and divisive.

And now your saying that the Dems are trying to destroy the GOP? Are you truly that delusional?

Are you making that baseless claim because of the funding from corporate donations to your party are coming to a screeching halt? Is that your real concern at this time? That you and your party are being held accountable? Because that reveals that you are more concerned about money and power than our country and its citizens.

So, let me speak my truth to you and your cohorts Senator. This is a dark time for all of us in our nation. And this rhetoric is nothing but a disservice. For one damn moment why don’t you all stop thinking only about your political careers. There is more at stake here then lending you and yours expedience to further your position by opposition. Put an end to the political games and division that you continuously stoke. You are culpable for what has happened. You ask for unity and yet perpetuate more division. It’s infuriating!

Your are all civil servants that swear an oath to the Constitution, not to one man. You all were elected to do what is best for our country by us, The People. Meanwhile, your accomplishing nothing to move this country forward. Yet, the Republicans continue to point the finger at Democrats, while accepting no blame. And why is that? Why do both sides claim to stand up for their constituents, yet only serving the those that throw money in your SuperPacs?

Because I find it concerning that half the time Congress is in session, you all have to go across the street to call groveling for donations to fund elections. That means you’re a glorified telemarketer more or less. That’s a ridiculous waste of our time and taxes. There is more on our plate than this country can handle. The lack of leadership for the last four years has cost America insurmountably.

Take the money out of politics and do your job! Because it is the money that has corrupted both sides of this government. None of you are in touch with the rest of this country. All of your antics and shenanigans are wasting precious time. It is insulting!

Your call of unity is falling on deaf ears, because you don’t mean it. You are just trying another ploy to distract us from the truth. How can we trust your words if they have no substance? You want unity, than be honest with your country and with yourself. You have all lost your way and we are all paying the price.

Furthermore, how can we trust our democracy in your hands when you refuse to say out loud, what you say behind closed doors? Be a man and hold your oath to office. We all are counting on all of you.

Yet our democracy is in the hands of some people that feign their loyalty to one or their conspiracy theories, when your oath is to our Constitution.

We are watching your actions, because you have proved your words mean nothing.

Lastly, nobody else needs to try and take down your precious GOP. You all have spent years spinning your own narrative, and making baseless claims. That is why Donald Trump was able to become our President. You reap what you sow. So fix what you have broken, and recognize that words matter. And so do actions and in-actions. Most importantly, our democracy means everything to us, and is the foundation of our country. What does democracy mean to you?



Kerry Bogdanovic

Former bartender/manager. Currently writing content for website pages